The main aim of “In my Art” project (reference number: 2019-2-IT03-KA205-016717) is to empower young people to take action towards social inclusion and intercultural community-building, especially in multicultural contexts where migrant people have fewer opportunities in getting involved into host communities as active citizens.

Following the needs/context analysis carried out by partner organizations, In My Art project pursues the following objectives:

1. Increase awareness of youth workers and organizations on the real needs and desires of young people, to effectively adapt methods and practices based on arts into different multicultural contexts.

2. Share and develop effective and sustainable practices inspired by “Arte Migrante” method among organizations, to build inclusive communities based on the culture of dialogue, cohesion, valorization of diversity and non-discrimination.

3. Promote active participation of young people in their community, with a focus on youth at risk of marginalization because of their cultural, social and economic obstacles.

Topics addressed by the project:
Creativity and culture
Inclusion – equity
Migrants’ issues

Arte migrante will be the work-field, as well as the method that will inspire the process of learning, development and innovation.

“In my art” foresees the development of the following n.3 Intellectual outputs:

IO1 – Action Research on the impact of art in Social Inclusion
IO2 – Training Programme on using Art as an inclusive methodology
IO3 – Guidelines on how to apply Arte Migrante methodology

Outputs will be translated into the national language of each partner organization. Guidelines will be also translated in Sign language. IOs will be the result of a participated process involving youth workers and young people in local (Action-Reaserch on the field and Piloting) and international activities (Learning Teaching Training).

Youth workers will undertake a learning path, aiming at increasing their competences and educational tools for working young people at risk of marginalization and supporting them to get involved into the host community by sharing and developing inclusive and sustainable practices.

Young people will actively take part to project activities as initiators, starting from the Action-Research. The project will address youth’s needs aged between 16 and 26 years old with a migratory background and/or with social, cultural and economic obstacles, in order to trigger a process of inclusion within the local community.

8 Associated partners in total will be involved, supporting the local implementation of the activities.

At the local level participants will be encouraged to a greater inclination towards social engagement to improve their communities and the development of their territory, getting involved in activities aimed at changing the local context in intercultural perspective, opening up to a real exchange with cultures and ways of being citizens other than its own.

At a European level, the project fosters a greater propensity to approach cultural diversity through art, aimed at ensuring a continuous sharing attitude with the diversity, in order to improve each other and thus improve the dialogue among the different cultures composing Europe. Moreover, at the European level, Arte migrante philosophy will be shared.

Target groups:

Subjects involved in the project activities that will produce and/or benefit from the results achieved.

In the case of our project intervention this group of subjects is represented by:

  • Young people aged between 16 and 26.
  • Young people with a migratory background and/or with social, cultural and economic obstacles.
  • Youth workers/educators/trainers.

The project lasts 27 months, starting from the 1st of October 2019 and ending on 31st December 2021.