The guidelines on applying the methodologies inspired by “Arte Migrante” result from a participatory and creative nine-month process, from March to July 2021, that accompanied the piloting activities in each local community in Europe (IO2). The objective of the guidelines is to facilitate the implementation of art-based initiatives inspired by the “Arte Migrante” method (see the training programme – IO2) in multicultural communities by using youth-friendly and accessible formats and languages.
Guidelines on how to apply Arte migrante methodology
N.7 short video-tools that show how to apply the practices developed;
N.1 video on the “In my Art” method translated into each national language and Italian Sign language.
ERASMUS+ Project Number 2019-2-IT03-KA205-016717 The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information contained therein.